Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I hate unposed photo's

I have not been doing well with my weight. I have been "stress eating" and have put some back on. Anyway my sister in law down loaded some photo's for me from her camera. As I was looking through them I saw all of these photo's she( or my brother) had taken of me that I did not realize they were taking. Can you say huge!!! I look awful!! UGH! So here comes more stress eating ok not really but I am trying to think about what I am eating and eat better. I have made no diet plans right now since we are packing our house and trying to get it ready to sell this week. I realize this would be the worst time for me to try and not stress and give up anything. But I have given up pop right now. I thought that would be a small but good start! Again!


Rachel (Victoria) Young said...

That is why I love the delete button. you just ask to look at the picture and in a few seconds that image is gone forever!

Unknown said...

Ditto, Rachel! :) Sar, I am sorry. This weight loss journey SUCKS BAD sometimes, huh? I recently purchased a Bodybugg due to the guilt of my husband. He felt bad for spending a lot on himself, so he hounded me to buy it for me. (hint, hint?) Anywho, I have been wearing it for 6 days, and don't you worry that I have not lost an ounce, but I'm supposedly burning 1500+ calories more than I've been eating...figure that one out. It's a VERY frustrating mind game, and I hate it. Good luck, kuddos on giving up pop! That's a hard one for me, too.

Mandi said...


If it comforts you, nobody looks good in surprise photos.