Friday, May 8, 2009

I Hate food!

I hate food! I woke up wanting to eat something! I looked at the kids eating yogurt and knew that it is a ton of calories! I than look at the fridge frustrated! What will I make to eat???!!! I keep looking at the fridge and realize that I hate food! I don't want to eat anything, because I don't want to make the wrong choice! I want to eat healthey but it seems so hard to go from the ease of a bowl of cereal ( which actually were healthy ones (At least you think they are!)), or a doughnut or oatmeal with loads of calories to trying to make something that tastes good and is not going to make me gain weight!!
so after a long time of wandering around aimlessly I decided to make eggs, with fat free cottage cheese and cut up tomatoes! I loved it! I made enough to share with dan! we felt great!!
So I did it! I made food! I did not succomb to something unhealthy! I ate great and feel great!
Now on to lunch.........

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