Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I did it!!!

I have been wanting to loose weight but obviously have not been doing it! I am amzing at coming up with reasons for not starting a diet to not working out! After a wonderful vacation in Idaho seeing family and friends I realized I am HUGE!! so once again started researching diets again! UGH! Than after promising to start on Monday we went to a friends BBQ! It was great and so were the deserts! I had 4 rice crispie treats and one huge piece of cake/pie thing!! so much for that "effort"!
But I re dedicated myself today! I got on the Elicptical for 1 HOUR!!!!! I am tired and now have a huge headache but I did it!!!! I did 2.20 miles and 534 calories in 1 hour! It was hard for the first few minutes, then it was easier deppending on the song that was on. But by the end I was dying!!! Dan came out for the last 2 min and I begged him to talk to me so I stopped counting the clock!! I was dripping sweat and smelled awful but felt amazing! I can already see me 30lbs lighter!! ( I wish )! but I do feel good! By goal is 30lbs by the time Daniel and Mandi get here which is June 30th! So here is to hard work and quick results!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I Hate food!

I hate food! I woke up wanting to eat something! I looked at the kids eating yogurt and knew that it is a ton of calories! I than look at the fridge frustrated! What will I make to eat???!!! I keep looking at the fridge and realize that I hate food! I don't want to eat anything, because I don't want to make the wrong choice! I want to eat healthey but it seems so hard to go from the ease of a bowl of cereal ( which actually were healthy ones (At least you think they are!)), or a doughnut or oatmeal with loads of calories to trying to make something that tastes good and is not going to make me gain weight!!
so after a long time of wandering around aimlessly I decided to make eggs, with fat free cottage cheese and cut up tomatoes! I loved it! I made enough to share with dan! we felt great!!
So I did it! I made food! I did not succomb to something unhealthy! I ate great and feel great!
Now on to lunch.........

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Enough is Enough!!

I have gained more than I was before I started this blog!!
I have been sick this week! And as I was laying in bed I saw a show were three people were dieting for different reasons. The one that succeded was the one that weighed the most! I realized that I can do this ( for the millionth time!!!!)! So lets take two or three!
I want to have another baby but the last thing I want is to be fat and get preganant and get fatter! which I do really well! I also have a brother coming home froma mission and meeting my sister in-law for the first time, in person, and I don't want them to all see me huge!!!!!!!!!
I have Dan on board because he weighed himself and he weighs more than he ever has too! So he wants what I want!! we can do this together!! I am feeling much better today than I have so I have eaten better today!! remotivated!!! so once again I am on board!!